Thursday, August 30, 2007

How To Give a Best Man Toast

To be asked to be best man at a friend's wedding is an honor but it does have a downside - the need to give a best man wedding toast. Find out how to make your best man wedding toast here.

Some, who are natural public speakers and raconteurs, will relish every moment of standing before an audience and having an opportunity to reveal more about the past life of the groom than the groom would really like. However, many are very nervous public speakers and for this reason here are some tips to help the best man wedding toast go smoothly.

A best man wedding toast is best given when sober. There will be a temptation to have a few drinks to relieve nerves but this can be a mistake if those few drinks lead to a few more. To deliver a best man wedding toast successfully you need to be able to judge the mood of your audience and you will not be able to do this if you are inebriated.

Be organised and think about what you are going to say in your best man wedding toast. You will need to introduce yourself and perhaps tell people how you know the bridegroom and why he might have chosen you for the job of giving the best man wedding toast.

It is usual to say some nice things about the bridegroom as well as some funny things. Jokes are always appreciated but do try to find ones that will not offend any sector of the audience. There really is nothing worse than the sound of embarrassed laughter fading away during a best man wedding toast.

Although it may have been done already, once again thank the parents hosting the wedding. This is traditionally the bride's parents but the tradition does not always persist nowadays. Do your research and make sure you get your facts right to save any embarrassment.

It is quite acceptable to carry some prompt or cue cards for when you make your best man wedding toast. People will understand and not expect you to have the whole speech memorized. It is always safer to have a note of any names you intend to mention as these can often become confused in a nervous mind.

A best man wedding toast would not be complete without a wish for the good health and happiness of the bride and groom and it is at that point, at the end of the best man wedding toast that the best man can finally have his drink, knowing that his job is done.

Still need help with your Best Man Wedding Toast? Don't bomb on stage like a bad comedian who just wet his pants. Get some real help from a website that specializes in making you the envy of every guest. Click here to find out how to knock em' dead with the best wedding toast possible.

Maid Of Honor Wedding Speech

The maid of honor is the best friend of the bride and it is the maid of honor wedding speech that gives the guests a lot of information about the bride.

In much the same way as a best man will speak about the bridegroom the maid of honor wedding speech will be focused on the bride.

The maid of honor, in her maid of honor wedding speech, may take one of many approaches. She may have her whole maid of honor wedding speech written out on cue cards or she may decide to speak briefly from the heart about her friend, the bride.

Whilst humor is usually associated with the best man, there is no reason why the maid of honor, in her maid of honor wedding speech, should not go for the laughs too. If the maid of honor has known the bride since childhood there will be a store of amusing anecdotes form their years growing up together on which to draw.

A maid of honor wedding speech need not be long; in fact guests will appreciate brevity bearing in mind the number of speeches that are given at weddings. It might be appropriate to tell or remind the guests how you met the bride, as a way of opening your maid of honor wedding speech.

As the bride's best friend invariably the maid of honor knows a lot about the groom - after all, girls do talk. In the maid of honor wedding speech it is safe to use some of this information but discretion may be called for where some of the juicier bits of gossip are concerned.

A maid of honor wedding speech is about the bride primarily. If the maid of honor is married herself she may well want to include some marital advice within her maid of honor wedding speech. Some maids of honor will include a meaningful piece of poetry or a quotation

A maid of honor wedding speech is one of several speeches given at weddings nowadays. A maid of honor should not feel under pressure to give a great performance - it will be sufficient to allow the depth of her friendship with the bride to shine through.

Still need help with your Maid Of Honor Wedding Speech? Don't bomb on stage like a bad comedian who just wet their pants. Get some real help from a website that specializes in making you the envy of every guest. Click here to find out how to knock em' dead with the best wedding toast possible.

Wedding Toast Speech

A wedding toast speech is traditionally given by a number of guests at a wedding,

It is traditional for the groom to make a wedding toast speech in which he thanks everyone for attending the wedding celebration and it is this speech which represents his first opportunity to speak on behalf of his new wife.

A wedding toast speech is given by the bride's father. Dad will share fond memories he has of his girl growing up. It will be an emotional time for him having 'given away' his cherished daughter and it is this wedding toast speech that is most likely to cause tears amongst the guests.

The wedding toast speech most eagerly anticipated by guests is usually that made by the best man. The best man is usually the comedian amongst the wedding toast speech givers. The best man will give the guests some insight into the life and ways of the groom – sometimes insights that the groom may have preferred to keep to himself.

More and more brides are getting involved in the business of giving a wedding toast speech. In these days of sexual equality - many brides prefer to speak for themselves!

Traditions regarding the wedding toast speech customs vary from culture to culture but one thing they all undoubtedly have in common is to express good wishes for the health and happiness of the bride and groom. The other main function of a wedding toast speech is to offer thanks to everyone who played a part in making the wedding possible.

A great wedding toast speech is heartfelt, sometimes amusing, but always sincere.

Still need help with your Wedding Toast Speech? Don't bomb on stage like a bad comedian who just wet their pants. Get some real help from a website that specializes in making you the envy of every guest. Click here to find out how to knock em' dead with the best wedding toast possible.